ESVGA Constitution
The Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (and its associated Regulations) governs the operations of incorporated bodies such as the ESVGA and establishes model rules for us to follow. As permitted by the Act some alterations were made to the standard rules to more closely reflect the ESVGA objectives. The variations were minor and approved at a Special General Meeting of the ESVGA held on 5th August 2013.
The ESVGA Constitution as approved by Consumer Affairs Victoria is a document 36 pages long so will not be reproduced here. However you can request a copy by contacting the Secretary.
The following headings after Part 1 below, are those used in the ESVGA Constitution and are intended to give an overview only.
1 Name
The name of the incorporated association is “East Suburban Veterans Golfers Association Incorporated”.
2 Purposes
The purposes of the association are—
- To promote and conduct for the benefit of Veteran Golfers the game of golf and other such sports, games, socials, entertainment and recreations, indoor and outdoor as the Association may deem expedient.
- To raise money by entrance fees, subscriptions and other payments payable by members and to grant rights and privileges to members:
- To promote and hold either alone or jointly with any other Association, Club or persons, golf meetings, competitions, matches and other sports and to offer, give or contribute towards prizes, medals and awards:
- To establish a bank account and to draw, make, accept, endorse, sign and issue cheques and other negotiable instruments:
- To affiliate with the Victorian Veteran Golfers Association or such other body as may be established to control Veteran Golfers Associations or Clubs in Victoria.
3 Financial Year
The financial year of the Association is each period of 12 months ending on 30th September.
4 Definitions
Refer ESVGA Constitution for a full list of definitions
Veteran Golfer means a person who
1 Has attained the age of 55 years and
2 Is an amateur golfer and
3 Is a life, honorary, or otherwise playing member of a golf club affiliated with the Australian Golf Union (or its successor body) and has a playing handicap recognised by:
- The Australian Golf Union (or its successor body) or
- A veterans golfer’s association, body or club affiliated with Australian Veterans Golfers Union (or its successor body) or
- Is a person accepted by the Australian Veterans Golfers Union (or its successor body) or the Association as a visitor to Australia for international veterans golfers competition
5 Powers of Association
6 Not for Profit Organisation
Division 1—Membership
7 Minimum numbers of members
8 Who is eligible to be a member?
9 Application for membership
10 Consideration of application
11 New Membership
12 Annual subscription and joining fee
13 General rights of members
14 Life Members
15 Rights not transferable
16 Cessation of membership
17 Resignation
18 Register of members
Division 2—Disciplinary action
19 Grounds for taking disciplinary action
20 Disciplinary subcommittee
21 Notice to member
22 Decision of Sub Committee
23 Appeal rights
24 Conduct of disciplinary appeal meeting
Division 3—Grievance procedure
25 Application
26 Parties must attempt to resolve the dispute
27 Appointment of mediator
28 Mediation process
29 Failure to resolve dispute by mediation
30 Annual general meetings
31 Special general meetings
32 Special general meeting held at request of members
33 Notice of general meetings
34 Proxies
35 Use of technology
36 Quorum at general meetings
37 Adjournment of general meeting
38 Voting at general meeting
39 Special resolutions
40 Determining whether resolution carried
41 Minutes of general meeting
Division 1—Powers of Committee
42 Role and powers
43 Delegation
Division 2—Composition of Committee and duties of Members
44 Composition of Committee
45 General Duties
46 Presidents and Vice-President
47 Secretary
48 Treasurer
Division 3—Election of Committee Members and Tenure of Office
49 Eligibility
50 Positions to be declared vacant
51 Nominations
52 Elections of President etc.
53 Election of ordinary members
54 Ballot
55 Term of office
56 Vacation of office
57 Filling casual vacancies
Division 4—Meetings of Committee
58 Meetings of Committee
59 Notice of meetings
60 Urgent meetings
61 Procedure and order of business
62 Use of technology
63 Quorum
64 Voting
65 Conflict of interest
66 Minutes of meeting
67 Leave of absence
68 Source of funds
69 Management of funds
70 Financial records
71 Financial statements
72 Common seal
73 Registered address
74 Notice requirements
76 Winding up and cancellation
77 Alteration of Rules
78 Auditor
79 Competition Rules