Current News & member Information

Current News & Member Information

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Topics Index:

* JulyKeysborough
* Jun A misty start, with still & overcast conditions at Yering Meadows.
* May A lovely sunny day for golf at Waterford Valley.
* Apr A big field and fine weather at Eastwood.
* MarESVGA winners at the VVGA 4BBB Championship.
* Mar Another very pleasant day for golfing at C-W Endeavour Hills.
* FebA pleasant cool summer day for Cardinia Beaconhills.
* JanA stop start first round to commence 2024.
* Dec Farewell Ron as President and Barry.
* Dec – A five way tie for first place at Yering Meadows.

Keysborough wash-up.

What a day, arriving in the car park in darkness, couldn’t see the markings, chastised for crooked parking. A rough start for the president but he did arrive early.

Nick, our in-house host, had the rooms open and the fire going for registration. A smooth, comfortable and warm beginning. Raffle tickets went off like hotcakes due to very good advance notice about the major prize. A round for four with carts at Keysborough compliments of Keysborough Golf Club. The bonus sales help reduce the amount of subsidy needed for fees playing Keysborough. (Click on photos to show enlarged in new tab)

Mike Elkner, Ken Batrouney, Kevin Bargar & Henry Chen on the 10th 8am

Alan Robinson from the fairway Par 4 hole 14

Leo Soulsby waits on the Par 3 tee for the green to clear

Hit off at 8 am was very chilly, and it remained cold all day despite brief spells of sunshine. (Webmaster: The president arrived wearing shorts with the temperature at 5 degrees might explain that remark) The frosty fingers and layers of jumpers and coats hampered most players or so it seemed. There were no stand-out scores. It was anticipated that 37 would win and a few would reach low 30’s. The prediction was nearly correct as 36 took the chocolates.

David Behan had a great day. His top ten finish, NTP prize and culminating the day with a raffle prize too. Mike Leeds also had a top ten finish and NTP prize. Horst Eberius won the major prize; he now needs to cull the “friends” who want to join him for his prize round.

Wooshka, (aka Gary Overton), Geoff Johnson and Andrew Turnbull on the 10th.

The same group turn their backs on Anthony Bailey as he lines up

A ham waiting for a slice times two

Barry Mitchell – Ginger Megs? No its his cap he’s wearing.

Bruce Adams looks happy with his fairway shot

Phil Macreadie playing from the rough.

Good to see all finished in 4 hours 20 minutes. Scores were presented to the pro, who efficiently processed the cards for us. The lunch and drinks were of excellent quality served by very polite staff. Despite the NTP pick up delay, (THANK YOU Bruce Ferrall for going out later to pick them up), and hiccups with the microphone, presentations moved on, and everyone was on their way by 1:40pm.

Alan Robinson putting on the 15th green

Amaury De Rosbo putting on the 13th green.

Leo Soulsby on the Par 3 3rd Tee

The driver behind the only tree on a fairway. He missed the tree and got the metre gap passed the bunker

The driver behind the only tree on a fairway. He missed the tree and got the metre gap passed the bunker


Members enjoying lunch and after game drinks at Keysborough Golf Club

President David Waters during after game presentations.

The experience encouraged the committee to look at this venue for 2025.

Your President David Waters

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A misty start, with still & overcast conditions at Yering Meadows.

As the dust was settled early with misty conditions for our 8.30 hit off. A small bit of chaos with the cards printed for blue tees at slope 130. All fixed (and) we were away.

The cards were mostly striped for humour that backfired. Horst Eberius threatened to run the president out of town for the disruption caused at the card reader by this action.

Life member Tom Tarrant & Neil Muller (waving) on the practice putting green.



Kangaroos grazing greet early morning golfers on the 23rd hole.

Danny Cappellani (centre) with two guests Keith Owen (left) and Tony Calder

Dermot Magee putting on the 23rd

Tex van der Kooi walks off the 3rd tee

Peter Christianson playing to the 9th green

Everyone moved easily over the changed course. Not too many bunkers now, but plenty of GUR where some have been removed. Time to play, four hours thirty. All inside and eating freshly prepared and plated sandwiches by 1.30. Delicious. No side effects???
I hope none.

After the upheavals at the club we were well treated by the catering staff, new general manager and pro shop staff. All have been individually acknowledged and thanked.

As usual we introduced life members present, the new member and all guests.
Time was getting on and a prepared story/joke was told badly by the president. Members restrained themselves from booing or throwing eggs. A credit to you all.
So the raffle was drawn and prize winners announced. These are shown separately.

Unknown member playing from a bunker

Leo Soulsby putting on the 24th green

Wayne Barlow gets the birdie on the Par 3 25th

Wayne Barlow’s effort on the stump shot

Craig Cameron laughing at Wayne’s effort on the stump shot

Wayne Barlow’s effort successful. balls out.

In today’s photos, Wayne Barlow features heavily. The par 3, 25th landing 1.2 m from the flag and completed a birdie putt. An unlucky landing on the 26th saw Wayne do a Seve Ballesteros to get away from more difficulty. Players on the next green were hoping for a falling Wayne photo. Didn’t happen.

New member Kuna aka Chris Krishnasamy offered sampling of NZ vodka after the presentation. Any one wanting to purchase should speak to Kuna.


Peter Christianson plays to the 19th watched by Leo Soulsby

Tom Tarrant congratulated by Peter Christianson & Leo Soulsby after sinking a 15 meter putt on the 23rd.


Peter Christianson putting on the 22nd

Tex van der Kooi driving with Barry Maltman

Rod Woodham seated with Phil Pearson

Game over, now it’s off to lunch & a drink.

A good day expressed by many. Golf a minor component. Get on the lucky table at the next game. Stay dry, warm and smiling.

Better golf next time.
David Waters

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A lovely sunny day for Golf at Waterford Valley.

Another lovely day. Sunshine, no wind, fast greens, well cut fairways perfect for golf.

Mike Elkner prepares for another good round of golf.

Two Macs from Warburton, Alan McDonald and Andrew McMath are ready to go.

Card shuffle is the name of the game. Secretary Neil Muller on right Captain Sam Athans check cards

Let’s get this show on the road. Ken David & Norm

Practice Putting green

Practice Putting green

Such a pity so few of us can play good golf with those conditions. Only 23 players scored over 30. Only one played above handicap. No others even reached handicap. There is much needed improvement for the next game at Yering Meadows. There were the usual tales of miss reads of the greens but not for Barry Lacy who seemed to sink putts from everywhere. Unfortunately, Barry waited until the last hole to be played, rated easiest, to have four putts, miss points and finish with 35.

The big and small in the same cart.

You hit while I check the score Sent from my phone.

Colin draining another putt

Ken Batrouney putting

Nick Madden finds footprints in this freshly raked bunker.

Nick Madden putting on thre first green watched by Graeme Fox & Ken Batrouney.

Let it Rip and I might get a Byrdie.

Hold the flag steady Rip

The latest 77 year old at ESVGA

Most finished playing in about 4hr 40min, with the walk or drive to the clubhouse adding 20 min. the sandwiches were freshly made and were distributed from 1.30 and presentations began soon after. There were many favourable comments on the organisation of the day by guests and new members. Credit goes to the committee for that.

The event winner Graeme Fox iron shot to the first green.

Peter Mastertoun, Who Me!!, You Talkin’ to me?

Nick Madden driving on the 9th tee, his final hole.

We’re heading home and Danny’s still smiling

That’s a long walk from 9 to 10

I’m left in the dark playing with the captain

It was good to see Peter Noar return from injury after 12 months. Peter Hopgood played after surgery but wasn’t supposed to and collected his championship prize. Rod Coling arrived to have lunch with fellow life members. Stan Lee collected his hole in one trophy and framed card (his brother Chris Lee was going to claim it if Stan didn’t return).

Game over time for lunch.

Stan Lee receives his Hole in One trophy from President David Waters

Stan Lee’s Hole in One trophy

A great day of friendship among pretend golfers.

Smile always and smell the roses, see you at Yering Meadows.

David Waters (President)

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A big field and fine weather at Eastwood.

Well, what a day. Starting in sunlight at 8.30, well at least it was bright enough to see. Many were ready for registration at 7am. Unfortunately, the rooms weren’t open at 7.30 as requested and so a little messing around. Players picked up cards before we could pay. A quick rearrangement and registration proceeded outside. Catastrophe avoided as players were sent to alternative tees to cover for absentees.

Play moved reasonably for the large field of about 110. We still must address the issue of slow play. You must be ready to play when YOU reach your ball not when the last man reaches his. The other main rule is to keep up with the group ahead not just in front of the group behind.

Dave Behan watchs Jerome Wong putting CLICK TO ENLARGE ALL IMAGES

John Matthews hopes to hit successfully out of a sand-compacted bunker.

Danny Cappellani right encourages new ESVGA members from Churchill Waverley

Ian Storey slides a putt downhill well past the hole

Laurie Hellier, Don Clarke and Gray Harrison watch Dick Thomas play.

Leo van Neuren putting and missing on 18.

The condition of the course and the weather conditions were favourable for golfing. The results indicated golfers don’t play to conditions. Only two players did better than their handicap and only four more equalled it. 60 percent of the field had less than 30 points.

I had the pleasure of playing with the winner of the day, Ian Young. Ian played steadily for his 38 points, even wiping one hole.  Phil Guscott was runner-up with a creditable 37.

The shot of the day was by Stan Lee. As he recounted it was a majestic 5 wood. Strick sweetly off the second tee. Over the pond, between the bunker and the right-hand hazard, on to the green and IN THE HOLE. Stan Lee, you aced it.

Graham Fox with one of the few miss hit tee shots

We think that Wayne Barlow is happy with his tee shot on the Par 3 14th

Tommy Tarrant looking like a very casual observer

It was good to have our life members attending lunch. Unfortunately, Ron Hottes had a flat battery and missed the game, so we had Peter Hopgood stand in for the photo. Neil can show the photoshopped version as well. Rod Coling, Barry Smith, Dave Rogers and Tom Tarrant came together for a show of AGE.

Two members were double winners, with Bill Bussau coming tenth and winning the raffle and Peter Benson recording eighth and NTP. Ray Cross is being swabbed for coming third with 36 off a handicap of 39. Just another bandit.

John Matthews is almost finished on the 11th hole

Sanjay Misra and Derek Wilson are finished their 18 holes.

Tony Meeuwsen and Robyn Ladd looking forward to the presentation.

Stan Lee looking happy after a hole in one on the 2nd.

Life members, Dave Rogers, Tom Tarrant, Rod Coling & Barry Smith.

Ian Young congratulated by President David Waters.

A good day with great people. Looking forward to seeing you all at Waterford Valley.

Stay safe and good golfing.

David Waters

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ESVGA winners at the VVGA 4BBB Championship.

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Another very pleasant day for golfing at C-W Endeavour Hills.

It was a very pleasant day for golfing. Not too hot and only a gentle breeze. The greens were smooth but as usual deceiving in the speed and variation in slope. Even home players have trouble putting. The fairways ran fast and long, unlike many of us who can barely walk. This gave short hitters encouragement. Long hitters were taking out shorter irons to compensate for the extra distance. The top scores were 37 and 10th place had a creditable 33.

Ralph Altman on the tricky Par 3 3rd tee

Colin Looker watching his tee shot on 5th hole

Neil Muller, Ralph Altman and Colin Looker walking down the 10th fairway. John McAndrew way ahead & out of pic.

Alan Young quickly made good his putt and tried to get away before being immortalised on camera

Colin Eaton placing his ball under the watchful eye of Dave Rogers

President David Waters relaxing while his playing partners find themselves in trouble

The fallen branches were GUR but trees still standing from the storms were being struck, annoying the president who did that regularly. The rough was mowed seemingly too low as many balls slid off fairways and deep into wooded areas. A minor issue as at least the balls were found.

Local knowledge showed through with Al Robinson taking equal first and Geoff Chamings fourth and NTP for A grade. All results and some photo’s have been published and are also on the website.

Where did that go

Two Life-Members Dave Rogers and Tom Tarrant are ready to tee-off on the 10th tee

Worth staring down

John McAndrew on the 5th fairway

Lucky I’m not falling asleep at the wheel.

Rip Byrdy wonders where his ball has gone

Phil Pearson says put me down for a 3

Tommy Tarrant chases the ball into the hole.

Stan Lee poses for a nice photo

Some good news. Bruce Ferrall and Dave Rogers appear well after heart scares and Derek Wilson has returned after his heart op.

During presentations Ray Keppie was congratulated on receiving Royal Mail for 60 years of marriage. Not noted on the day was Al Robinson and Bev celebrated the 50th wedding anniversary. Oh boy how different Al looked in photos of the day.

A nice chip coming up for Graham Salter.

Robin Ladd with a nasty 2 foot downhill putt

Graeme Fox putting on the same green as Derek below.

Ralph Altman watching his tee shot on the Par 4 18th hole

Derek Wilson lining up his putt.

Hank de Graaf watches Ron Hottes prepare to putt

A tricky downhill putt on the 18th for Colin Looker.

An easier uphill putt on the 18th for Ralph Altman

John McAndrew fairway shot Par 4 14th hole

 Congratulations to all our winners, participants and those celebrating special events.

Danny Cappellani welcoming his many fans with a tip of the hat

Sam Athans trying very hard to keep his eye on the ball

Ian Young for a tap-in

Greg Kyriazis about to hit something out of his shadow

Stay safe and enjoy your golf. Live it up.

David Waters

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A pleasant cool February day for Cardinia Beaconhills.

Cardinia Beacon Hills run down by the president.

A few late withdrawals and one MIA brought the field to 84. We started in mild conditions on time. No messing up due to the diligent work of the absent captain. Peter Johnson stepped in and organised card distribution while Norm Kearns assisted by distributing marker tokens.

Gary Overton and Barry Lacy are delighted to have arrived at Cardinia Beacon Hills

Peter Mastertoun and Leo Van Neuren discuss scores before hit off on 8.

Early morning spectators

The peaceful location was commented on. Birds and kangaroos were everywhere, their dropping a smelly hazard. There was laughter as a ball flew 90 degrees off the tee and struck the large sign 3 metres away. He still made a 5. There was a small amount of muttering about missed putts and mumbles about bad shots and only one explosive reaction to a miss on the day.

Nick Madden playing from the rough on Par 4 10th hole.

Graeme Fox’s approach to the Par 4 10th hole

Ken Batrouney putting watched by Nick Madden & Graeme.

Henk de Graaf (last game winner & far right) with Alan Macdonald and Graham Salter leaving the 13th green.

David Stevens hits off on the 7th

David Steven’s watches Ian Urquhart hitting off on the 7th.

The first 3 ½ hours followed forecast, but the last hour saw umbrellas out, jumpers and coats put on as a steady drizzle arrived. Try to spoil a day, what a change from Sunday’s 38oC

The card reader was out of action, but Bryce (the pro) did a great job in entering scores quickly. Last cards were in and presentations got moving. Results are on the website worth noting that past president, past vice president and current president were in the top ten. A VERY UNUSUAL FIRST.

New members and guests were introduced, and all said they enjoyed the experience. Peter Sinclair especially, as he had the C grade NTP.

Nick Madden tee shot on the Par 3 13th hole

Ken Batrouney closely watches his tee shot on the Par 3 13th

Ken Batrouney & Nick Madden watch Graeme Fox on the Par 3 15th hole

2023 ESVGA Champion Russell Manning shows his putting style.

John McAndrew points to the nearly lost presidents ball, hidden in the corner of the sprinkler box and covered by the parked cart.

After game lunch and drinks gets the thumbs up from new member Anthony Bailey.

Look forward to seeing you all at Churchill Waverley (Endeavour Hills or Churchill Park if you prefer) next month.

Keep practising to play your best.

David Waters

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January – A stop start first round to commence 2024.

A severe weather storm saw our scheduled first event delayed a week. Thanks go to Churchill Waverley and new president David Waters for avoiding what could have been a significant cost to the ESVGA as sandwiches for up to 90 players had already been ordered. Our first event then kicked off on 15th January in much better weather.

Presidents Game Run Down

It Has been a stuttering start to 2024. Noah would have been prepared to build his ark on the days prior to the scheduled 8th of January. Consultation with the pro on site suggested it would continue raining on our parade making conditions unsuitable even for water polo or snorkelling. The professional advice to cancel was heeded and the ESVGA were offered the 15th. The offer was taken up and all players notified of the cancellation and the availability of play on the following week.

Thankfully everyone took notice, no one arrived   on the 8th and 80% rebooked for the 15th.

We got off to a flying start. Prez on time but not first for registration, Sam with his new helper Peter Johnson organised cards in order, Ken took payments and Dave Stevens sold tickets. All out on course 15 minutes before 8. An Excellent beginning.

Tony Moore thinks about his practice shot.

Stan Lee considers the hole.

Colin Eaton, Rip Byrdy, David Behan and Barry Lacy chat on the practice green

Norm Kearns gets down to putting

Al Robinson, Peter Christianson, Leo Soulsby watching Tony Moore getting ready to take his drive on hole 13

Dermot Magee carefully watching his drive

The day increased in temperatures quickly with not much breeze, very evident by the red faces and perspiring brows as players entered the club room. Play seemed to move well not many hold ups and space between most groups saw a steady pace maintained.  All finished about 4hrs 10 min.

Ethan and Patrick had all sandwiches set out around the tables and were quite tasty having been freshly made. Unfortunately, the card reader was out of action and Steve our assistant entered all the figures. His keyboard skills (like mine) are not honed. Results were slow until Mitch came along to speed things up.

Horst Eberius practice swing looking sweet

David Stevens finds trouble off the tee

Peter Christianson hitting off on hole 13

Norm Kearns our new committee member playing down the 14th fairway

Max Deipenau playing from a difficult lie

Rip Byrdy putting. Watch out boys I’m ready.

As usual the noise was about slopes on fairways, doglegs, unreadable greens, horrible bunkers. Then the stories of woe, I was stuck behind trees, lipped out, 3 putted, chunked a chip into bunker the list goes on. We hear it all at every venue.

The GREAT THING was the appreciation of playing on well-manicured greens even with difficult pins. Having well grassed fairways. Having a nice summer day to play and not playing the previous week in the slop.

Now you know the results also on the website, but did you realise only two guys scored 36 points? Half the field had 28 points or less. The top 10 went down to 30 points.

Greg Allen waiting for his partners to catch up

Noel Blythe takes aim.

An APOLOGY is due to the Life members and new members who should have been acknowledged and were missed. Our sympathy is extended to Ian Warton who left before finishing to attend his mother taken to hospital in Wangaratta.

Announcement humour, or is it head shaking? Lost club anyone? 10 min later who came and asked if my club has been found, Robin. Lost phone, anyone? Going to ring home phone in bag, no, Leo name on back helps your number doesn’t. Who has ticket 72? Nearly lost your chance Nick by 3 secs.

Neville Evans & David Waters were the only golfers who played all 12 games in 2023

Russell Manning receiving his Champions trophy from president David Waters.

A good day all up thanks for playing. See you all at Beaconhills.

David Waters (President)

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Farewell Ron and Barry
Before Ron Hottes steps aside after 7 years as president of the ESVGA, he farewells Barry Smith for his 15 years on committee and as Vice President/Captain. Ron will remain on committee for one more year to assist new president David Waters.

Committee toasts Ron’s last meeting after a 7 year reign as President

Ron Toasts Barry’s last meeting after a 15 year term on committee

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A five way tie for first place at Yering Meadows

Combined report by incoming and outgoing Presidents – Game photos available shortly

From new President David Waters
A terrific day unfolded bright and sunny, a complete contrast to the previous week. The good conditions translated to many good scores. Of the 101 players 40% scored over 33. Around 15 doing 37 or better. The highlight was the five-way tie for first each scoring 40.

Tee settings shortening holes, did not prevent balls landing wet or sandy.

Starting Table L-R, Barry Smith, David Stevens, Ken Batrouney & Ron Hottes

Above – Players gather on the first tee for their 8am tee off. L-R Bill Berhardt, Tom Tarrant, David Waters, Jerome Wong, Nick, Madden, Graeme Fox and Ken Batrouney.

Although the round finished in four hours 30, presentation began slowly. A change from usual order of procedures was needed as the sandwiches came out in stages. Drink vouchers were greatly appreciated during the wait for tucker.

Raffles began while scores were collated and printed. Checking scores continued and so president opened the AGM. Ron Hottes presented his yearly report. Treasurer Ken Batrouney followed up with the finance report for the year. The committee was then spilled by Ron and Dave Rogers assumed the role of election controller. Nominees for positions were accepted unopposed.

David Waters closely watches his fairway shot, Hole 8.

Life member Tom Tarrant fairway shot, Hole 8.

Bill Bernhardt putting on the 18th.

The freshly elected president David Waters acknowledged the support and the surreptitious lobbying undertaken for that position.

Ron Hottes was inducted unanimously to honorary life membership of the ESVGA.

After the presentations were hijacked by “El Presidente” everyone was sent on the way.

Last words are a great big apology. SORRY. Forgot to wish you all,


David Waters.

Bill Bissau tees off on the 8th

Phil Macreadie on the 8th tee.

David Finn putting on the 14th green

Horst Eberius putting on the 14th

Ray Masters putting on the 14th green

Neil Muller tees off on the 15th

From out going President and new Life Member Ron Hottes

This will be my final game day report to you, It may be a little longer than usual because the newly-installed Prez has contributed to parts of this, ( just to get his hand in on one of the many tasks that he will be expected to complete! )

But, Gentlemen, what a lovely way to finish my “stint” —at very welcoming Yering.
Ok, so it wasn’t perfect! It appears some of the dry bunkers were in pretty ordinary condition. And, we do apologise for the “staggered” sandwich distribution! ( Not under our control!!) But, we were looked after in the Clubhouse in all other ways as usual. Plus the course was clearly welcoming to most of us.

Resting after golf with Sandwiches and drinks, L-R Danny Cappellani, Wal McDonald, Phil Macreadie, Bill Bernhardt and Neil Muller.

Newly elected Captain Sam Athens with the retiring presidents special raffle prize

And, talking about results, a 5-way finish with a 40-point result was sensational. With plenty of high scores recorded, ( over 50% in the 30’s and above), this meant that plenty of our loyal members went home with a voucher or a ball to remember the 2023 ESVGA Christmas breakup. Also, I received plenty of positive thankyous for the free drink gesture from your Committee!! From my perspective, it was a great pleasure to present the ESVGA Club-Championship trophies, and cash. ( If you’re reading this, Peter-Hopgood and Russell-Manning, your trophies/cash will be available to you at the Churchill game if you are playing there! If I still have them after that game-day, I think I’ll just put them on my shelf!!)

The 2023 AGM went smoothly, thanks to Neil Muller’s superb preparation!!It was disappointing that we had NO nomination from the floor for the vacant Secretary’s job! Neil will continue in his dual role for the foreseeable future, but I desperately wish to see a permanent Secretary elected ASAP! Other aspects of the AGM occurred smoothly.

Election Controller & Life Member Dave Rogers

Ken Batrouney presenting his Treasurer’s report at the AGM.

Newly elected President David Waters

Finally, it was pleasing to see such a large field, (100+) play on the day, and—-most of them stayed on for the AGM, the trophy-giving and, as always ,the superb camaraderie!! On that note, can I, from my family, wish ALL of our loyal members, a festive and SAFE Christmas and a happy New Year—with plenty of pars & birdies interspersed among your scores! And, I look forward to seeing most of you at Churchill-Park, on Jan. 8th!

Regards, An “ordinary” Committee member now!