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Current News & Member Information

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Topics Index:

* Mar – 
ESVGA’s First Regional Event – Lang Lang Golf Course
* MarGlen Waverley a resounding Success.
* FebFlooded greens last month, a heat wave the next
* Jan2025 at Churchill Waverley starts with a drenching
* DecYear 2024 concludes with a 4BBB Stableford at Gardiners Run
* Nov2024 ESVGA Championship winners
* Nov Fine weather for Championship Stroke at Yering Meadows
* OctPresidents Challenge –
* OctDreary weather golf at Eastwood this Spring

ESVGA’s First Regional Event – Lang Lang Golf Course

Our first experimental regional game was held at Lang Lang Golf Course, offering members an opportunity to travel beyond our usual venues. While a previous survey indicated that members were open to occasional travel, attendance was slightly lower than expected—perhaps due to the mid-month timing.

Despite this, the 49 players, including four guests, who teed off at 9 AM enjoyed a great day of golf. The Bureau of Meteorology had forecast a partly cloudy day with a top of 17°C, and the weather did not disappoint. After a month without significant rain in Melbourne, the course received over 30mm of rain the day before. Impressively, the only sign of this was wet sand in the bunkers, a promising indicator that Lang Lang could be a viable winter venue in the future.

Rick Young doing what he does best


Russell Manning chipping to the 13th green

Bruce Ferrall [aka the Flying Ferret] with Peter Booth

Barry Lacy imitating Scotty Scheffler. Note the follow through

Players were welcomed by sunny skies, followed by a brief overcast period with light drizzle before returning to sunshine for the rest of the round. The course was in excellent condition, with many lush Santa Anna couch fairways (as seen in many of the photos) providing a fantastic playing surface—unless, like your secretary, you found yourself in the rough! The greens were also in superb shape, though some had tricky slopes that made reading putts a challenge.

Henry Chen playing to the Par 3 12th

Lang Lang Golf Course, picturesque 4th hole

Colin Looker playing from the rough

Henry Chen chipping to the 13th green

Congratulations to Rama Naidoo (Churchill-Waverley) for taking the win with 38 Stableford points. Runner-up was Russell Manning (Heritage Golf Club) on a countback with 37 points, from Kevin Wells. With a smaller field, prizes were awarded down to sixth place, along with the usual “Nearest the Pin” contest on Hole 5 for grades A, B and C.

The ESVGA sincerely thanks Lang Lang Golf Course for hosting the event and for generously offering a prize of a round of golf for four players. Congratulations to Danny Cappellani, who won this fantastic prize.

Barry Lacy finds himself in trouble.

Barry getting out of a tight position

Henry Chen putting 4th hole

A treacherous bunker awaits future players to the par 3 9th hole

A big thank you to Captain Sam Athans for organising the event, and to Norm Kearns for his financial management on the day.

A Hole in One to Rick Young on the 9th

An early morning spectator

Captain Sam Athans driving

Captain Sam Athans driving on the 9th hole

Check out the photos above to relive the day!

Neil Muller, Secretary ESVGA

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Glen Waverley a resounding Success


Yes, the committee were concerned that the new venue might be too small for our group. Maybe the course would be too tight. Would conditions be up to expectations. External catering will it be on time and acceptable. A huge sigh of relief came from all committee. Only positive comments from you, our members, confirmed we should include Glen Waverley golf course in future rotation of events.

At the conclusion of the event your captain and president confirmed our intention with the manager to play there in 2026. 

Peter White on the practice putting green at Glen Waverley

Robert Connaughton playing fairway wood from the rough

Ian Young playing to the 2nd green

Neil Cowie putting

Danny Cappellani putting

Bruce Bower watching the tentative putts from Danny and Neil

Well, what did we see? Or hear? Good old Suri directed some drivers into Jells Park not the golf course. Luckily, they got out in time. Recruiting soliciting of possible members in the car park. Amazement at the tennis facility provided beside the course. Surprize at the number of automatic doors as we entered. Questions like how to get to the presentation area later on. All were interesting as a start to the day. 

Progression through registration was a very interesting exercise. Our treasurer with his NEW TYRO apparatus could take payments by card or cash. Not helped by a tardy president marking players off slowly. The option for card payment was taken by about 40% of members. Not a bad result for our first trial. See how we go at Berwick-Montuna.

Neil Smith having chipped to within a meter walks up to the green


Bruce Robinson putting, watched by Robert Connaughton and Ian Young

Captain Sam concentrating too hard. He missed the putt

Barry Lacy happy with his practice drive, now for the real thing


Nick Madden putting, watched by Derek Wilson, Ken Batrouney & Graeme Fox off picture

Rick Young about to drive

Now to the actual golf. The individual results are set out separately as usual. Let us look at the top ten, two A graders, two B graders and six C graders were in this mix. The range of scores 34 to 39. Position six to two, all with 37 separated by count back and Dermot Magee lonely on top with 39. Half of the remaining field scored 30 and above so it was tightly contested.

The course was presented in excellent condition with teeing grounds well grassed and soft enough for tees to insert. The greens were rolling true with very little bend. Unfortunately, the cup moved a lot as the ball approached. Touching the edge of the hole doesn’t count as the ball didn’t fall, just passed on by. The many trees made the course picturesque. They also waived the ball to a stop on a few occasions. A few even moved into the line of good shots causing deviation into the gumbo. Leaf litter in the rough made the wayward shot that little bit more difficult to find. The ball in litter against a tree stump was very hard to play. Ask Chris Lee and Peter Christianson about those issues. The NTP hole didn’t have many visitors to the green. Five names on the three markers. All around five meters out. None of the closest players made birdie. A boastful president was a centimetre short in B grade, then confidently plonked the bird.


Robin Ladd about to driving

Wushka and his shadow tapping in


Rip Byrdy lost again

Wayne Barlow and Phil Guscott enjoying the day

Jack Kerin & Bruce Adams. We won’t see this cart for a while

Playing it safe from Ian Urquhart, Peter Jones, Phil Hayman & Kevin Wells forming a pack mentality

The temperature didn’t reach 30 while we played. At 12.30 when everyone had finished, the weary golfers gathered upstairs in the function area. It was a bit tight inside, fortunately the balcony provided extra space. Players to enjoyed the club sandwiches which were a change from the usual 4 points. At one o’clock, Roy Sullivan, our newest member was introduced and presented with his name badge, and life members were welcomed. Roy drew the first of four raffle tickets. The prize went to Gary Gray the B grade NTP winner, he drew the next one which went to his playing partner, Alan McMeekin, seated beside. Norm Kearns was drawn next. The last draw also went to Gary Gray. Who cares about scores when you have a day like that Gary.

Barry Lacy putting from off the green on the18th

Graeme Fox nonchalantly holds the flag

Ian Young smooth stroke to the green

Ian Storey shows his local knowledge around the green

Results followed and balls distributed to other lucky players. Handshakes and good byes all round and all departed homewards. Reuniting again in four weeks for more fun and socialising on the golf course.

David Waters, President

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Flooded greens last month, a heat wave the next

As in the pre-game newsletter there is a changing climate, especially around Melbourne. Thunder and lightning on game eve with steamy heat to greet us next morning. No cool breezes and the sun came through the clouds late to really cook us.

Peter Ridgwell driving on the first.



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Ian Young driving on the 4th tee


Geoff Johnson finds himself in a tricky situation

Mick Dipper Wallis teeing off under the watchful eyes of David Stevens


Peter Ridgwell chipping onto 2nd green

Out on the course many were finding balls with difficulty. It was not the sloping fairways which sent the balls scurrying towards the woods. It was the leaf litter from the storms and wind hiding the balls. The greens and tees were in excellent condition. Reports of variable speeds, and sneaky borrow is usual no matter which course is played. Most golfers find this true when not making good scores.

A committee member tried to eliminate the president by driving the cart in a tight circle nearly throwing the prez. out downhill. Same person on their second hole asked why aren’t we moving? He was the driver asleep at the wheel. It was funny Danny.

Jack Huel chipping



Good to see large brimmed hats giving protection

Neil Muller putting on the 18th green

Peter Booth after a long approach putt, finishes off with a tap in Par.

Ian Young chipping to 18th green

Alan Teather putting on the 8th after a skinny through the green

Unfortunately, as we all tired a thought for Gary Gray whose electric buggy broke down in the heat. Luckily ground staff collected both Gary and buggy, both carding a DNF. Neil Smith also had misfortune, arriving at his car hot and bothered only to find a flat tyre. Just another hiccup on the day.

Luckily bar service was efficient, and we cooled down while waiting for the scores to be finalised.The 6-point sandwiches were gobbled down with relish. The sandwiches were made AS players approached the servery; they couldn’t be fresher. Well done kitchen staff.

Peter Ridgwell putting watched by Ian Young hole 16

Phil Macreadie teeing off on the 11th

Bruce Bower preparing to putt on the 7th green watched by Peter Ridgwell

Wayne Gates closing in on the hole on the 8th

Presentations went quickly, acknowledging life members and guests. Drawing the raffle caused a stir with committee members featuring heavily. Top ten players and the ball run, B grade champions received trophies, and all done, Finished by 1.30 and on the way home. Just a few left chatting.

Wushka Overton driving

Married to golf. Jack Huel, Peter Booth and Geoff Johnson.

Ralph Altman begins with a long putt followed by two more on the 18th.

Last item, plenty of Polo’s available, Caps and Brimmed Hats too. It would be good to see the ESVGA all in uniform colours, not multi hued as at Beaconhills.

Two of the 3 B Grade champions receiving their trophy from our illustrious Prez. Max McIntosh was absent.

Enjoy the heat tomorrow could be snowing. Keep swinging those clubs.

Happy golfing.
David Waters, President ESVGA


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2025 at Churchill-Waverley starts with a drenching

What a day to start our year. A welcome back to all members and especially the 84 soldiers who took the fight to the elements. The elements of Mother Nature won the contest.
It was good to see the smiling faces at registration and the wet hair and sodden clothes didn’t dampen the spirits at presentation. What presentation? How organised? Well forget both, It was the first day, cobwebs and foggy thoughts continued throughout.

Ian Urquhart, David Stevens, Kevin Wells & Phil Hayman on the 1st Tee before the rain.



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A fine looking four Nick Madden, Ken Batrouney, Graeme Fox & Derek Wilson

Life member Tom Tarrant on the first green waiting for David.

David Waters on the first watched by a large mob of kangaroos

Now David Waters waits for Tom to putt on the first green

Hiccups abounded. After our start the rain increased steadily. After 7 or 8 holes played, the greens were holding a lot of water. “Abandon Ship” was the cry. The course was unplayable. The drowning rats scurried to the club house to try to dry off. A brief discussion and the competition was abandoned with NSR for anyone. No NTP, no ball run, no winners, no worries. We proceeded with the muddled raffle. That was partly a success. Rama Naidoo was presented with his championship runner up prize, Greg Allen, Ian Young and Ron Drain accepted their engraved trophies for their championship feats. B graders were not present.

Danny this is not the 11th tee it’s the 17th

I don’t need a rake, I need a super sopper!

When is president Dave making a decision

David Waters and Peter Christianson on the 8th green

Peter Christianson putting on the 8th green

David Waters on the 9th and last. Match called off greens unplayable

As our freshly made sandwiches were served Wushka led us in a rousing rendition of “for he’s a jolly good fellow” In recognition of Sam Athens birthday.
Our next game at Cardinia Beacon Hills will hopefully be in drier conditions, book via email to Sam. Also a game at Lang Lang on March 17 has been organized by Sam. More information about that game later.


3 More drowned rays abandoning the ship

Another drowned rat abandoning the ship


Soaking up the words of a drenched El Presidente


Back in the clubhouse, game cancelled

Rama Naidoo the runner up to the 2024 Championship


Back in the clubhouse, game cancelled

Regards from your waterlogged president, David Waters.

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Year 2024 concludes with a 4BBB Stableford at Gardiners Run

A fantastic day for golf greeted the 99 players. No wind, light overcast and low 20 degrees. Perfect for the 4BBB competition to finish the year. Registration was the smoothest of the year. Only a few queries about scoring and a couple of players marked at two tees. Problem overcome as players made up threes.

Gary Gray setting up and driving down the 5th

John Wicks also setting up and driving down the 5th

John and Gary watch Ralph Altman hit

What are the chances of hitting a bird in flight says Ron Hottes

It’s dead, poor bird. Not the sort of birdie Ron Hottes was hoping for!

I feel sad, but it cost me 60 metres off my drive.

Progression seemed very smooth as the 100 soldiers marched along in groups nice and close. Everyone was finished by 12:30. Scores printed everyone with drinks and delicious sandwiches by 1:15. Then it was time for presentations.


Barry Lacy, Alan Young, Ray Cross and Bruce Adams finished the 7th

Phil Guscott putting on 7th watched by Tony Meeuwsen and Wayne Barlow

Mike Whitehead sinks a long putt for birdie on the 5th watched by Peter Rosenthal

Neil Cowie shovelling sand


Peter Jones does a snake killer in the bunker

That’s a good drive Ron Drain

Life members Keith Schofield, Rod Coling, David Rogers, Tom Tarrant, Barry Smith and Ron Hottes were introduced. The first time for a while they were together. A photo commemorated the occasion later in proceedings. Four guests enjoyed the day, including former member Peter Noar. New member Phil Hayman showed he can play.

Jack Huel third shot on the 17th fairway

Peter Mastertoun third shot on the 17th fairway

Russell Manning gets his birdie on the 7th

Barry Lacy putting

Bruce Bower what a follow through

Stan Lee hooks into trees on 8th

Amongst the statistics already in the president’s report, note that, Daryl Dyer, Bruce Bower and Wayne Barlow were the only players to appear at every game this year. (A summary of David’s 2024 Presidents report appears at the end of this month’s report.)

Well done NTP winners, Raffle prize winners, ball winners and top pairings in today’s event are all shown in the results but the top score of 48 by Barry Lacy and Rick Young is worthy of individual recognition.

The 2024 Champions were announced in reverse order. C grade Ron Drain. B grade, three equal winners, Max McIntosh, Laurie Hellier and Ron Hottes. A grade Ian Young.
Runner up gross Rama Naidoo, and the Champ for 2024 Greg Allen. (Photos below)

Ralph Altman shows his left handed style off the fairway

Fist pump as Robin Ladd has just made par.

Rod Woodham putting out watched by Phil Pearson

All received monetary prizes but their engraved trophies “were left back at the ranch”.

All daily and yearly duties completed by the 2024 committee and having a quorum of ESVGA members the AGM was opened. The minutes of the 2023 meeting were verbally precised moved seconded and passed, the audited financial report was moved seconded and passed, lastly the president addressed the years activity. These reports are on the website.
The current committee positions were declared vacant and David Rogers fielded nominations for all posts for the 2025 year. All those nominated were elected unopposed.

A motion nominating Neil Muller as life member was put. Barry Smith, Rod Coling and Ron Hottes spoke to the motion, which was passed unanimously. After photos were taken the AGM was closed.

4BBB winners Barry Lacy & Rick Young congratulated by president David Waters

ESVGA Life members at the 2024 AGM

Wayne Barlow & Bruce Bower 2 of 3 who played every game in 2024. Missing Daryl Dyer.

On behalf of the committee, I wish you all a SAFE, HAPPY and MERRY CHRISTMAS with your families and a HEALTHY NEW YEAR.

David Waters

Summary of David Waters 2024 AGMs President’s report the AGM.
David Waters president’s report for 2024 was distributed to members prior to the AGM. David faced immediate challenges upon taking office. The first round of the year, planned for January 1, was disrupted by unseasonable storms and flooding at Churchill-Waverley. Quick action prevented any financial loss, with the event rescheduled to the following week and minimal changes to the player list.

Next, Berwick Montuna’s course condition forced its cancellation for the year. Swift negotiations moved Beaconhills from April as a replacement venue, ensuring the schedule stayed intact. Another complication arose when Churchill/Waverley informed the committee of coring at Rowville, the site for the third round. Members unanimously agreed to shift the event to Endeavour Hills instead.

A gap in the calendar for April from the Montuna cancellation was filled at short notice by Eastwood Golf Club, allowing the association to maintain its schedule. However, the first championship round at Eastwood was disrupted by heavy October rain, forcing a switch from stroke play to Stableford and cancelling the first round of the championship. This adjustment reduced the championship to a single round.

Despite the hurdles, the year was a success, with members enjoying a variety of courses. This was achieved through the hard work and dedication of the committee, each member playing a critical role. The President commended the committee for their tireless efforts in overcoming challenges and ensuring a smooth golfing year for all.

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2024 ESVGA Championship Winners

Gross Champion Greg Allen congratulated by David Waters

A Grade Champion Ian Young congratulated by David Waters

Joint B grade Champions Laurie Hellier, Ron Hottes & Max McIntosh

C grade champion Ron Drain congratulated by David Waters


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Fine weather for Championship Stroke at Yering Meadows

The championship took a second adjustment from two rounds reduced by conditions to a one round shoot out. Furthermore, the predicted course was also changed from the Nursery course to the Homestead. All things were still taken in stride and the 2024 championship began.

There was the usual jumble at registration with people collecting wrong cards, getting the queue line mixed up. Payments made and raffle tickets purchased, and everyone was heading off by 7:45.

Members collecting their cards and signing in

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Initially the anxious 97 participants were greeted by a light fog, a super gentle breeze and several hot air balloons hovering overhead. It was a beautiful site for non-players.

Stuart Lane putting from loooong range or is it a chipper

Danny Cappellani begins his stroke with the ball in good position.

Graeme Luxford follows Danny with a duplicate drive

John Prosser with a perfect 3rd to the green. He should have a gimme, BUT it’s stroke today

It didn’t take long for the fog to burn off and jackets became superfluous. The first few holes seemed to take a while, thereafter most groups increased speed. The gaps in the field seemed to come when players lost balls and didn’t follow the ESVGA rule to take 2 shots and play from the fairway. That resulted in slowing the groups following. Most groups finished in 4hrs 20 to 4hrs 40. Meaning results were in as were players by 1pm

Ian Storey in trouble after a skinny through the green

Bruce Ferrall picks up for 5 on the 9th, watched on by Jack Huel

Bruce Ferrall and Jack Huel have made the green

Alan Young putting for his par, Par 4 hole 9


Mal Andrews putting on the par 4 26th hole

Peter White putting for birdie but missed

What did we hear out there playing? Greens were too slow, too furry, too bumpy. Well, many times that putt pulled up way short, the extra curry on the next went rocketing by. One player on a par three for one approached to 3ft then looped out twice from six inches before finally holing out. (No name, no photo).
Two of the three on the 7th for the NTP holed their birdie putts. One player prepared for changing weather conditions left the shorts to change into on the chair at home.

Tony Meeuwsen putts on the par 5 27th hole


Ken Batrouney scrambles a 5 after a disastrous tee shot. Watching from left are Gray Harrison and Nick Madden.

Phil Macreadie smacks one from the deep fluffy first cut

Ed Farrell gets over the water this time


Phil Guscott collecting his ball. Robin Ladd (left) and Tony Meeuwsen watch on.

Peter Johnson comes up short again

Who can remember every shot? Ask Jack. He was reminded the five claimed was really six. Wonder how often it happens in stroke rounds? Anyone else guilty?
Everyone in, we began with a Remembrance Day dedication by Barry Lacy. We also noted the absence through illness of Barry Smith, Neville Evans, Dermot Magee. While everyone was tucking in to the delicious sandwiches, the raffle was drawn, NTP’s announced and then daily winners. All the results are on the website.

Gary Gray putting on the par 3 3rd hole

Members enjoying after game lunch and drinks

The 2024 champions will be announced between 7 and 8 on Saturday, on Eastern FM radio 98.1. They will also be in the December newsletter. Trophies will be presented prior to the AGM at Gardiners Run

Another terrific day completed, of great companionship, wonderful weather and with some golf thrown in.
See you for the 4BBB at Gardiners Run.
David Waters

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Presidents Challenge – ESVGA versus VGCV


As predicted a sunny day was experienced after the rain last week. What a surprise to have light fog over the course. Fortunately, the sun burnt through quickly and warmed old bones. Jackets and pullovers were removed early as muscles reacted to the heat.

The build up to the event had a few late inclusions to the field, unfortunately several mishaps resulting in restrictive injuries and the usual illnesses brought us back to 68 participants. One no show left one group with three.

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Alan Young hits off and follows through

After nearly running over the president, Peter Mastertoun escaped to the right. Further left is Norm Kearns, Ian Parlby (back) and Peter Christiansen

Come on hit it Harold {Hayes]

Left to right – VGCV Member, Harold Hayes and Greg Kyriazis lining up to play

Ian Young joking with his playing partners

Ian Young shows Harold Hayes how, while Greg Kyriazis watches

No local rules were advised, only normal R&A to be adhered to. Casual water but no preferred lies applied to the stableford event. The excellent conditions did not apply to scoring as only five players had 34 points or more. The best was VGCV’s Bruce Keenan with 37 points off a handicap of 22. His teammate Chris Thorne was runner up with 36 points off a handicap of 23. Unfortunately, these two great scores couldn’t carry the VGCV team to victory. A few more teammates might’ve made the difference.

Chris Thorne eventually out of the 18th bunker.

David Stevens looking for his ball in the water

Peter (Frosty) Frost with a great follow through smashed out his best drive

Andrew McMath follows Peter down 10

Miguel Magana on his way to missing 3 putts all on hole18

Kevin Wells drains a downhill 30-footer

The ESVGA defended last year’s title by the small margin of half a point on average. 27.89 to 27.25. The result was only a by-product with the the focus being an enjoyable game with different blokes, shooting the breeze and having a laugh.

Presentations began after the sandwiches were finished. Scores were available much faster than previous. The NTP’s were a problem with names recorded on the incorrect grade markers. One NTP is still to be confirmed.

The major raffle prize of a round of golf for four, with two carts, was donated by Waterford Valley. The winner drawn by Kaye Buttersworth was Barry Hammond. Kaye received a bottle of wine for being the only representative for women on the day. Barry collected his Voucher and was still glowing as he was one of the last to leave.

93 year old Peter Garbellini hits off on 10

Jack Huel waiting for Alan Young

John Molloy and George Robinson relax before hitting off.

Horst Eberius tallies scores while David Finn tried to get out of frame

The three cash raffle prizes worth $50 were won by Andrew McMath, Kevin Wells and Peter Frost.

David Heraud, a VGCV sponsor and champion Jam Maker at this year’s Melbourne Royal Show, was asked to speak about his product. After making a generous donation of jam to the raffle prize pool, David took orders at discounted rates for veteran golfers.

The last items raffled were bottles of wine, a mixed bag admittedly. Unfortunately, the time rich presenter had balled the tickets TOO tightly. This caused issues with geriatric fingers unravelling them. Several helpers got to work getting them open and soon the last bottles were taken.

Ian Young and President Harold Hayes enjoy being centre of attention

Tom Buzza and Ross Rowley cross the bridge to the 10th

Noel Blythe has a break saying 18 after 9 is disappointing. Next 9 are the ones that count

Bruce Keenan, winner of the Presidents Challenge 2024 is congratulated by ESVGA treasurer Ken Batrouney.

We began presentations by thanking Ken Batrouney, Peter Ross, Sam Athans (not present), Ray Desmond and Harold Hayes for their assistance in preparing the day.


David Water, President ESVGA

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Dreary weather golf at Eastwood this Spring

Seventy-eight players braved the elements at Eastwood last Monday and despite the inclement weather some very good scores were posted. However, despite the conditions we had six players break their handicap, one player played to his handicap and eight players were only one stroke below. So it wasn’t all that bad.


Unfortunately due to a number of factors we had to cancel the first round of the Club Championships at Eastwood.

Firstly, the Eastwood Golf Club strongly insisted that we had to play a Stableford event. The course was not up to its usual standard and a stroke event would have taken well over five hours [according to Golf Professional Alex Pitty]. Given the recent weather conditions the rough could not be cut (making it difficult to find one’s ball) plus the cored greens had not recovered sufficiently making putting more luck than skill.

That being the case your executive committee decided not to include Eastwood in the Championship round. So for this year only we will have one round of stroke to be played at our next event at Yering Meadows on Monday 11th November.

Sam Athans, Captain

Runner up Jack Huel with 40 points plays his second shot to the first hole. Watched is Ron Drain.

Ron Drain plays his second on the first hole

Worlds Best Ex President looking dangerous with driver in hand.

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” Dreary Eastwood!
Although the day WAS dreary, weather wise, the usual Eastwood hospitality shone through. A number of alterations to the daily program were forced upon us without choice, and due to the course conditions. Eastwood had clearly copped its fair share of precipitation in the previous 3 days, so those changes were both reasonable —and expected!
Overall, though, it must be noted that Club Pro, Alex-Petty, was more than helpful in accommodating a smooth run to our day. Thank you, Alex!
It also must be noted that the Committee was very pleased with the support from the members, in all aspects of the day. ( E.g. The change to the ESVGA Championships, the support, AGAIN, for the raffle, and staying back for a later-than-expected Presentation!)

And, so onto the golf itself. What a surprise, Gentlemen—Eastwood members figured prominently among the Top 10 finishers! ( Although it should be recorded that our illustrious Treasurer, himself a long-serving Eastwood member, did not crack the Top Ten!!)
Daryl-Dyer, recently dubbed D.D.D. took the top podium spot with a superb 42 points. ( Wow—-another Mr. Consistent.) The Flying-Ferret’s best mate, Jack-Kerin, was close up behind with a not-to-be-sneezed-at 40 points. Good work, Jack. And, coming in to the Bronze-medal position, earning his title of Mr. Consistent, was Horst-Eberius. Not surprisingly, the ball run down extended to 30 points!

Ron Drain on the 3rd tee driving towards Mt Dandenong

Greg Kyriazis, Norm Kearns, Warren Cawood and Ian Parlby

Alan Robinson on the 13th watching intently after playing from light rough

Alan Robinson plays over the bunker on the 16th hole

Phil Macreadie surveying the 13th hole

Ron Drain rolls one in on the 16th green

A few points of interest:

  1. Thank you to the 2 Lynda’s for their patient service behind the bar—-both delightful Ladies!
  2. A sincere thank you to Warburton member, Barry-Maltman, for donating a brand new Mizuno golf bag, valued at $200+, for our raffle first prize. ( And guess who won it—-D.D.D., by picking out his own ticket!!)
  3. It was great to see Life-member, Rod-Coling attending. When announced, he was received very warmly by all-and-sundry!
  4. For those who didn’t hear the update on another much-loved Life member, Barry-Smith is recovering in rehab, after a nasty bout of Encephalitis! He hopes to make an appearance at our Yering game in November.

Members relaxing after a tough day at the office.

Members relaxing after the game in the Eastwood club rooms

Finally, 2 important reminders, Gents. The ESVGA vs VGCV President’s-Cup, at Waterford is now less than 2 weeks away, and we have 40+ members representing us on the 21st October.
And, so “onwards & upwards”, Men, to Yering for our ONE-round Championships. Look forward to seeing you there on a bright, sunny, calm day!

Regards, Ron-Hottes ( standing in, ever so briefly for President Waters!)

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