2019 News & Member Information
Topics Index:
* Dec. – Waterford Valley Stableford
* Nov. – Championship & AGM
* Oct. – Ivanhoe Stableford 7th October
* Sept – Report on Teams Championship at Beaufort
* Sept – Warburton in Spring
* July – Ringwood in Winter
* June – Waterford Valley a washout
* May – Autumn at Cardinia Beaconhills
* April – Yering Meadows on April Fools Day
* Mar. – New ESVGA course Berwick Montuna popular
* Feb. – Best field for 12 months at Gardiners Run
* Jan. – 2019 off to a good start at Eastwood.
Waterford Valley Stableford 9th December
Our early start did assist players in avoiding the main heat of a 39 degree day. A number of players struggled with the length of the course and the distance between holes. Finishing within 4 ½ hours was quite an effort.
The course was in good order and the catering staff did a fine job. Members enjoyed the free drink voucher. Peter Ridgwell (hole in one on the 5th), Dermot Magee and Daryl Dyer (both 38 Stableford points) had excellent days out.
Pictured opposite is Bruce Bower our co-winner of the ESVGA Championship at Churchill-Waverley, (Churchill Park course) after collecting his engraved trophy.
Championship & AGM
The ESVGA held their annual Championships at Churchill Park G.C. on November 11th. Members encountered very pleasant weather conditions, great hospitality—-and a course in very good condition: although many of the scores clearly indicated a tough course, as most of the members struggled to play to their handicap!
A strong field of 100+ contested the various events.
Congratulations to Bruce Bower & Horst Eberius who tied for the Open Gross title, both shooting impressive 83’s “off-the-stick.”
The handicap winners were: Neil-Fletcher,( A-Grade winner with a Nett 74); Neil-Davis ( B-Grade scoring a Nett 72): & Wayne-Gates ( C-Grade with a Nett 71).
We conducted the 2019-20 AGM and following reports from the retiring Treasurer Gary Thompson and President Ron Hottes, farewelled popular long-serving committeemen, in Tom Tarrant and Ashley Mitchell. We also farewelled Gary Thompson, the retiring Treasurer.
Danny Cappellani, Ken Batrouney and Rod Coling were elected in their place, and we welcome them to the 2020 Committee.
Above Gary Thompson delivered the Treasurers report noting he retires leaving the ESVGA in a health state as he hands over to new treasurer Derek Wilson.
During Presentation, we drew the BIG member’s raffle too, with Geoff Spicer taking home the ParMaker buggy.
We now look forward to ending the calendar year—& commencing the new ESVGA year—- at Waterford-Valley, where we will “spread around” some Christmas spirit!
Ron Hottes
Ivanhoe Stableford 7th October
The day was fine and except for one member who decided on the LONG way to the course, all players teed-off on time.
The course was in very good condition with closely cut greens and most fairways providing some run. Preferred lies were not in operation. Carts were available at members’ rates of $33 and the catering staff provided excellent quality sandwiches which all enjoyed.
Report on the VVGA Team Championships at Beaufort
Two teams comprising Craig Cameron, Peter White & Trevor Watts in Team 1 and Jack Kerin, David Finn & Max Bracegirdle in Team 2 represented the ESVGA at the Team Championships held at Beaufort on 16th and 17th September.
Beaufort was a good country course. Obviously lots of effort was put in by the locals to present the course as the best it could be.
We enjoyed our trip to Beaufort, despite it being rather an unsuccessful one! The course played a lot harder than its 116 rating with only one player each day playing to his handicap, both of those were low handicappers and both were on the winning North Eastern team. Our team two played mid-twenties both days.
Team one faired a little better as it was mainly made-up of lower handicappers. Peter White snapped up a nearest the pin and a ball, which was the extent of our prizes.
In the first round, Jack Kerin was playing with John who just happens to be the Vice-President of the Victoria Veteran Golfers Association. He shared his story about his accommodation. His room was doubled-booked and he ended up staying at the owner’s place.
The greens were very tricky. According to John Robinson secretary of the organising district, Sunday’s rain allowed little run on the fringes of the greens but once on the green they were hard and fast.
The weather overnight Sunday (17mm of rain) left the course very soggy in places, which, combined with a relatively breezy day made scoring difficult on Monday.
Despite a very cold Tuesday morning of minus 1 (and up to a maximum of 12), players scoring improved markedly.
The women of Beaufort provided a fine range of food, lunch for all the players for the first day, plus sandwiches and cake and a superb dinner. Many locals became Uber drivers so the players could attend the dinner and have a few drinks.
We were all made welcome at Beaufort, which is a very friendly town and they have invited us back any time.
Jack Kerin, Peter White, Max Bracegirdle
Warburton in Spring – 2nd Sept
Sixty-nine players including a good percentage of locals enjoyed the challenges of the Warburton golf course. Overnight rain softened the course but generally sunny weather prevailed on the day. The course was in good condition and preferred lies continued to be used. Greens were quite variable with some being quick and others affected by recent rains.
Scoring was difficult with barely 20% of the field achieving + 30 points.
One or two members became a little “lost” as did the clubs of several other members!
Hospitality was excellent as is normal at Warburton GC.
Ringwood in Winter – 1st July
Ringwood golf course was in good condition considering the week of rain leading up to the game. The day was mainly overcast with the odd sunny periods and no rain. A good field enjoyed the day with winners scoring in the high thirties.
Waterford Valley a washout – 3rd June
With predictions of severe storms the management at Waterford Valley kindly agreed to postpone the game to 9th December. Although the worst of the storms avoided the course carts would not have been allowed on course. Most members were appreciative of the change and are looking forward to the summertime spot.
(Posted 9/05/2019)
Autumn at Cardinia Beaconhills – 6th May
At Beaconhills Monday 6th May
Very pleasant weather was the order of the day at Beaconhills, although the atmosphere appeared quite heavy which seemed to reduce the distance even the good players were hitting. Once President Ron had sorted-out the cost of the hired carts, players headed for their respective tees.

Craig Cameron is rewarded for his thoughtfulness by winning A grade!

Paul Kennedy drives out of the rough.
The course’s many tabletop greens which were in very good condition, tested players, many of whom found them rather slick. Unfortunately, the fairways could not be considered to be of a consistent standard with several having been cut to the detriment of the overall grass cover. Many members found it difficult to get the ball off the ground. An indication was the fact that only one player scored over 40 points. Again, the issue of a slope rating of only 114 was raised.
Members were provided with tasty sandwiches and the staff were very obliging. Similar to last time, there were a few members who “lost their way” home and did some extra kilometres.
(Posted 10/04/2019)
Yering Meadows on April Fools Day – April
President R0n’s Aprils fools day joke of presenting pink NAGA balls to the worst scores in each grade fell a little flat when many commented: “what a good idea”.
Yering Meadows Golf Club provided very good weather for our first 8.30 am start in 2019. A mix up with the end of Daylight Savings time saw us start later than normal.
The course was in good condition except for the bunkers where weekend rain had required all to be played as GUR.
Thus winning scores were all in the forties.
Sinking eagle putts is becoming quite common-place at Yering Meadows and two more were achieved by Trevor Watts Par 4 2nd and Tex Van Der Kooi Par 4 14th …well done to both of them. Checkout other achievements here.
As is the norm at Yering Meadows, all members were well catered-for by Pro Shop supervisor Craig and catering staff Sarah (events co-ordinator) and Jesse (bar co-ordinator).

Surveying the green is Gray Harrison watched on by David Waters, John McFarlane and Eivion Williams.
Barry Smith & Neil Muller
for ESVGA Committee
(Posted 6/03/2019)
New ESVGA course Berwick Montuna popular – March
Visiting A New Course
Again our association dodged the recent hot weather when we visited Berwick-Montuna for the first time. The course was generally in very good condition. There was initially some concern about the layout with thirteen holes in one section and the remaining five being a considerable distance away. However, players adjusted well and except for some initial hiccups, play ran smoothly.
The B-M GC management was very welcoming and catering was up to standard. Members appreciated the drink voucher and other than the unavailability of light beer, most players finished the round making positive reports on the day.
Several members commented-on Berwick-Montuna Golf Course’s close proximity to the Cardinia-Beaconhills Golf Course and this will be discussed in a future committee meeting.
(Posted 6/02/2019)
Best field for 12 months at Gardiners Run – Feb. 2019
Our association sent out 124 players at Gardiners Run, being the highest total for more than twelve months. Despite the confusion on cart hire cost, players generally spoke favourably about the day.
Many high scores meant close results and players should be congratulated on the fact that few complaints of slow play were heard and most members had left the course by 2.00 pm.
(Posted 10/01/2019)
2019 off to a good start at Eastwood – January 2019
One hundred and ten golfers enjoyed Eastwood in magnificent condition, although the greens were a little fast for some non-Eastwood members.
Neil Muller for ESVGA Committee