Current News & Member Information
Topics Index:
* Dec – Final game for 2022 at Cardinia Beaconhills
* Nov – Round 2 – ESVGA Championship stroke
* Oct – Round 1 – ESVGA Championship stroke
* Sept – Warburton cancelled, La Nina to blame
* Sept – VVGA Teams Championship Stawell
* Aug – Rosanna hospitality
* July – Ivanhoe on a sunny winter’s day
* Jun – A new course & our first winter antarctic blast at Keysborough Golf Course
* May – A large field at Waterford Valley
* Apr – Eastwood in beautiful but overcast autumn weather
* Mar – We make it to Healesville at last
* Feb – The Berwick-Montuna course wins
* Jan – A new year but COVID-19 still affecting our golf
Final game for 2022 at Cardinia Beaconhills
“Gentlemen, let’s start with a number of important positives! Both I, and my Committee, are very appreciative that each and every year, for 6 years now, you, the members, have been really supportive in a number of ways. For example, the AGM, once again, was a smooth and supportive affair. It is gratifying to know that all of those present at Beacon-Hills were both respectfully attentive, and agreeable with the items on the Agenda. Congratulations to ALL of my current Committeemen for being successfully renominated to another 12 months of service to YOU—the members. Also, hearty congratulations to Sam-Athans on his nomination to join us, with a view to replacing Barry-Smith this time next year. ( Is Barry replaceable?!?) I also have news about a potential nomination to fill the much-waited-for Secretary’s role—–but more about that when it, hopefully, becomes official in January!! In the meantime, my personal thanks to all on my Committee for the roles they play, and the hard work they put in. A special mention to Ken-Batrouney, as he takes on the all-important Treasurer’s job for the next 12 months—-at least!
And so, onto golfing matters. A special note of appreciation to the ESVGA Championship trophy winners, for their understanding, as the said trophies were still at home at a Committeeman’s house after he kindly offered to collect them as a favour to me!! But we had plenty of winners on the day, led by Peter-Mastertoun. Peter posted a “slashing” 43 points to take home the top voucher, and “bragging rights”—-at least until January 9th, when we all meet again at popular Eastwood! Ian-Young grabbed the R/up prize, by accumulating a healthy 42 points. Also getting his name in the paper was the ever-consistent Alan-Robinson, having 40 points next to his name! Noel-Cross won the A-Grade NTP, Neville-Evans collected the B-Grade one for the 2nd month in a row, and Rod-Coling collected the C-Grade one showing there is still some good golf in the old warrior yet!!
Finally, I would like to wish all of our wonderful members joyous wishes for Christmas. Part of the reason the ESVGA is held in such high regard is because of the stability and ambience that surrounds our membership. I hope 2023 provides plenty of birdies on-course, but more importantly gives you health and happiness ongoing.
With that thought in mind, it would also be remiss of me not to wish Derek all the best for his upcoming procedure, and also to our wonderful Membership Secretary, Neil, for improved health sooner-rather-than-later!!
I look forward to seeing many of you at beautiful Eastwood in the New-Year.
One more Churchillian saying, to conclude—“In the course of my life, I have often had to eat my words, and I must confess that I have always found it a wholesome diet!!”
Enjoy the festive season, members!!
Ron Hottes
Round 2 ESVGA Championship at Gardiners Run
” The 2nd Round of our ESVGA Championships was scheduled to be played at the favourite course of many of our members—Gardiner’s-Run. The weather turned out to be fairly warm, but with a pleasant breeze, and plenty of cloud-cover as the morning wore on! With a very healthy field of 112, we were clearly in front on the day!
The course was in surprisingly good condition, and as always, we were treated wonderfully well by Josh and his staff—a credit to their professionalism! A special mention to their new Manager, Dean, who made a late, but VERY popular decision to allow carts on the course. Although one of our members felt the need to “take the microphone” to publicly thank Barry-Smith for this decision, (and Barry was part of this process), it was a local member who foresaw the need to have a quiet word with Dean just a couple of days before, which caused the “rethink”. Thank you, B.B.
Anyway, a pleasant day was had by all, with the raffle confusion being the only “sour point” on the day. ( I apologise for this problem occurring–I take full responsibility for this hiccup!) There were plenty of very good scores recorded—and a similar number of less-than-acceptable ones!
No other score posted could get anywhere near the outstanding Nett 63 posted by David-Borg on the day! And, I better mention his eagle on the 17th, because I missed mentioning it during Presentation! The way he achieved it thrilled his group, because it was not far off being an ALBATROSS!!Hearty congratulations on both achievements, David! The daily R/up was Tony-Moore with a Nett 68, on a countback from Jack-Huel (68). Also, nice to see Neville-Evans grab an NTP on his favourite hole!!
![]() Bill Bernhardt plays over the bunker to the 6th green. Mt Dandenong in the background. |
ESVGA Championship results can now be declared. No surprise to announce that our Open Champion is David-Borg, shooting 83 at Yering, then 74 “off the stick”, at G/Run! Clearly a deserved winner. Our Nett Champions were as follows. A-Grade was won by David-Stephens, with a combined Nett score of 139. ( David-Borg had a better Nett score, but Committee had agreed at their last meeting that a member could only win ONE title, and I figured the Open-Champion title would be what David would prefer!!) The R/up in A-Grade was, therefore, Alan-Young,(Nett 142). Our B-Grade Champion is Graeme-Luxford with a Nett 138—congrats, Graeme. And the R/up was Daryl-Dyer, who had led after the 1st round, and still had a decent score at Gardiner’s-Run! Finally, we had a tie in C-Grade, and the Committee had also decided to “pay out” on both if a tie occurred—it did! Great result for our joint C-Grade Champions, in Sam-Athans,( new Committee member!) and Gary-Gray who both posted a combined Nett 141. Ironically, they both recorded identical two-round Nett scores of 70/71!! Peter-Hopgood was the official R/up in C-Grade. Sincere congratulations to all our new Champions—and R/up!
And so, onto quirky, challenging Beacon-Hills on December 5th, for our Christmas breakup—and presentation of trophies to all the winners! We look forward to seeing a large field there. 8.00am start again!
Finally, a small request. Could you please give some feedback to any one of our current Committee re; your preference for a single-round OR 2-round Championship? This year was a trial and we need to find out what our members think.
In the meantime, see you at Beacon-Hills—–or if you’re not playing there, then see you in 2023!
Regards, Ron-H ( President!)
Round 1 ESVGA Championship at Yering Meadows
And so, the 1st Round of our ESVGA Championships is complete.
As expected, on a lovely day for golf, a “bumper” field of 102 eager members tackled the challenging Nursery course at Yering. And, also as expected, some of us handled the challenge well, and others—–struggled!
Firstly, to the daily results! Topping the list of “high achievers” was Daryl-Dyer with a superb Nett—65! This result was followed by Ray-Masters, ( a guest on the day), with a Nett 67; then finishing on the podium also was—David-Waters, who posted an impressive Nett—68! There were plenty who posted Nett scores in the low 70’s, so lots of the field acquitted themselves well over the challenging Nursery course! ( We actually saw the ball rundown extend to Nett 76!)
As always, we were well attended to by Angela and her staff, in the Clubhouse, also by Dillon and his assistant in the Pro-Shop. As an aside, it was great to welcome 4 visitors to our day, plus 3 new members!
We now turn our attention to the ever-popular Gardiner’s-Run, where the 2nd round of the ESVGA Championships will be played. In the Open event, David-Stephens is leading with a very competent 80 “off-the-stick!” He is closely followed by Daryl-Dyer, who posted an impressive 82.
Finally, Gentlemen, a timely reminder that our Christmas game is at quirky and unique Beacon-Hills, where we will also hold our AGM. Please consider joining our hard-working Committee, as an extra body, or two, just helps to share the load! We also intend having a complimentary drink voucher for that day, to share the Christmas spirit!
But, in the meantime, Gents, come prepared for a full-on day at Gardiner’s-Run, where your ever-positive President will try to ,finally, birdie his favourite hole. ( the superb 5th!!)
Good golfing, Gentlemen, over the next month!!
Regards, Your optimistic Pres!! (Ron Hottes)

ESVGA Team Championship representatives: Andrew McMath Ray Cross, Ron Hottes, Noel Blythe, Ian Young and Peter Hopgood
Warburton cancelled
Hats off to all at Warburton for their efforts to get this game played. A special thanks to Warburton manager David Murch for his communication and assistance. After rescheduling this game twice Victoria’s weather won the day. No matter where this game was played, the game would probably had to be cancelled.
Annual VVGA Teams Championship, Stawell
Victorian Veterans Teams Championship 2022
This year the event was programmed for early September 2022 at Stawell where the ESVGA was represented by two teams of three, team one was made up of Andrew McMath, Peter Hopgood and Ray Cross, team two Ron Hottes, our president, Ian Young and Noel Blythe. We all arrived on Sunday 4th, with five of us getting in a practice on Sunday afternoon. We found Stawell as cold as Melbourne, overcast with a light southerly but no rain, course was in good condition considering rain that had been constant for the last few weeks. We were allowed preferred lies but only on fairways; greens were excellent if a little fast. The course is only looked after by one worker and the rest by volunteers so condition was excellent considering their set up. The course has three 460 plus par 5’s, eleven par 4’s and four par 3’s.

ESVGA representatives from left Noel Blythe, Ray Cross, Ron Hottes, Peter Hopgood and Ian Young. Absent Andrew McMath
Day one presented itself just as cold but some gaps in the clouds, same light southerly. Shot gun start at eleven, well organised by host club committee, excellent packed lunch provided.
How did we go? No one really excelled on this first day, although team 2 finished about 7 points from the leaders and only a couple points behind 3rd or 4th, we all thought the course played a little long as there was not a lot of run on the fairways, greens also seemed a bit fast. Ball count went down to 30 points which a couple of us just managed to fall inside.
Monday night was spent at the Stawell Harness Centre Bistro where we all thought the meals were good as we dissected our rounds, deciding what we could do better
Tuesday morning.
Tuesday started out clear but still a bit cold, no rain, by the time we finished our round we were all in shirtsleeves. 9am shotgun start. Unfortunately all our dissections we did of our games the night before were to no avail as not much improvement occurred whereas their seemed to be a lot of improvement in other teams, ball count went down to 30 points Monday but finished at 34 points Tuesday which none of us managed. We were treated to a great lunch of party pies, sausage rolls and sandwiches plus three different types of cakes to finish with.
All in all we appreciated the ESVGA for giving us this opportunity to play in this event and would recommend if anyone manages to get the opportunity next year or beyond to grab it. Only incident of note was the presidents wife drove off with his golf shoes on Tuesday morning which left him in runners on a slippery track, don’t think will happen again, he also won one of the raffles held at the presentation ceremony.
Report compiled by Noel Blythe
Rosanna hospitality above & beyond
Rosanna 1st August game report by President Ron Hottes: (Click to enlarge images)
“Those who were lucky enough to play at Rosanna on the August game-day, will not be at all surprised that my Report is full of praise.
This is one Club that very much values our patronage! From the time we arrived, ( pre-dawn), to when Presentation had concluded and the last of the very hard-working Committee members were leaving, the Rosanna staff, both in the Pro shop and in the Clubhouse, could not be faulted in their endeavours to make our day as enjoyable as possible. Club Pro, Luke, saved a potentially difficult situation, as out on the course, 2 holes were out of action due to maintenance, so 2 temporary Par 3’s were in play. With Luke’s steadying hand, the whole field played their round with a minimum of fuss.
And, in the Clubhouse, Chelsea and her staff provided us with a very tasty lunch, and attended to our every need. ( And, it must be said, a few of our members are very “needy!”) Well done to all!
And so, to the golf. On a course that elicited many favourable comments, there were plenty of none-too-shabby scores. Noticably, the lowest score came in at 16. The ever-reliable Peter-White topped the list with a superb 38 points. Hot on his heels was Peter-Rosenthal, ( Mr Consistent these days), amassing 36 points. Finding his name in the daily paper the next day was Joe-Ruzicka, who snatched 3rd place on a C’back with 35 points. ( Roger-Kilby was “stiff” to miss out, but can be satisfied with a $30 voucher! )
The Winter Stableford title went to Peter-Rosenthal, who snared that honour from overnight leader, Mr.Fox!
So, a most pleasant day was had by all at Rosanna—in most cases, plenty of happy memories.
And, so onto beautiful, “different” Warburton where plenty more memories will abound. At the time of writing this, we had nearly 70 bookings. I hope that number grows as there are plenty of Warbie/ESVGA members who are only too keen to welcome you warmly and with plenty to offer. ( And, a different extra Presidential NTP will be on offer—for a sleeve of Titleist balls!
One clue only—it will be an NTP for the nearest 2nd shot—on one of our very reachable Par 4’s!! A real test of accuracy!
So, Members, see you at Warbie, I hope, for another “rip-roaring” game-day! “
Ivanhoe of the sunny winter’s day
Ivanhoe on July 4th:
A smallish field of 67 ventured to Ivanhoe to tackle what is generally considered an interesting, quirky course. Most of us find it to be a challenge for a number of reasons. The very low slope rating means we are usually playing off a 5 or 6 lower handicap. ( Try 7, says Derek!!) The course itself has some very tight fairways. There are extreme doglegs, uphill tee shots and hidden dangers!
A smallish field of 67 ventured to Ivanhoe to tackle what is generally considered an interesting, quirky course. Most of us find it to be a challenge for a number of reasons. The very low slope rating means we are usually playing off a 5 or 6 lower handicap. ( Try 7, says Derek!!) The course itself has some very tight fairways. There are extreme doglegs, uphill tee shots and hidden dangers!
There were plenty of mixed responses to playing there on the day—some love the course and the challenge it offers. Plenty of others—not so sure!!
A couple of other “events” happened when we gathered for Presentation. Three of your VVGA Vets representatives were present and were brought forward to be presented with their complimentary team polos and caps. Fine recognition to Peter-Hopgood, Ian-Young and Noel-Blythe, who will all “do us proud” at Stawell in September!! Ray-Cross and Andrew-McMath will be presented with their “gear” at Rosanna.
Members were also reminded that we have just completed the 2nd round of our inaugural Winter- Championship. ( Foxy might be the man to catch after his Ivanhoe exploits!) .
Finally, the President announced that the first winner of the “My favourite hole” wine was Dave-Bowles, who guessed correctly, (and very quickly), that The President’s favourite hole, (not counting his own course), is the iconic 5th hole at Gardiner’s-Run. If you didn’t see the clues, look back at the most recent Newsletter!! Dave will get his wine at Rosanna—if he plays there!
Talking about Rosanna, this is a most pleasant course to play on—and it is awaiting you on August 1st! If you haven’t already booked in, do yourself a favour and DO IT! At Rosanna, there is unlikely to be a cap on the field size—they can accommodate well over 100 any time! I look forward to seeing you there!
A new course & our first (delayed) winter antarctic blast
” On a day when the elements were predicted to test our resolve, 98 intrepid ESVGA members played the impressive Keysborough course—-and didn’t get wet–at all!!.
Even on a drab day, this course is a pleasure to play, with its well-thought-out design! Beautifully manicured, but still a demanding challenge, the scores were always going to range from surprisingly impressive to—-well, we won’t dwell on those results. ( Suffice to say, the President’s modest return was nowhere near the bottom of the list!!)
But, to return to those posted results that WERE impressive; none was more so than Brendan-White, whose 38 points bested all others to take home “the chocolates!” This was Brendan’s first win for a long time, so hearty congratulations to him. Our R/up, Bobby-Smith and 3rd place-getter, Norm-Kearns, both posted creditable 35’s, and there were numerous scores of 30 and above!
The other result that needs highlighting was the win, in our Stableford knockout event, by Robin-Ladd. Robin beat Dave-Rogers by scoring 3 more points to take home the $100 voucher. Good work to both men.
(A show of hands at Presentation, indicated a clear desire to revisit again!) We were very-well looked after by the Clubhouse staff and Rhyle, the Club Pro. The sangers passed the taste test with flying colours!!Finally, the display of our new polyester polo shirts appears to have been a hit, as I ordered 8 for starters, and I only have 2 left already! You can order them through Barry or myself, but please specify the size you require.
And so, as usual, “onwards & upwards”–looking forward to the July 4th game at quirky, tight, challenging Ivanhoe! This will also be the 2nd round of the Winter Stableford event we are running, (to culminate at Rosanna, in August.)
Your Committee worked very hard to make the Keysborough game a pleasant one, and looks forward to seeing a healthy field at Ivanhoe!! ”
Regards, The Pres!
A large field at Waterford Valley
A neat field of 100 ESVGA members descended on beautiful, but challenging Waterford-Valley, for our May game.
The weather was inviting, the field moved through smoothly— but the course was tough as always. This course is rated too low for our liking, at 119, off the white tees. With lots of water, cavernous bunkers and long walks between tees and greens, even our low-handicap players found the going tough. ( But that is NOT to say that the course was anything other than in excellent condition.) Did I mention the spacious greens—no wonder there were instances of 4-putt efforts!
Taking all of this into account, Peter-Hopgood’s score of 38 was a pretty fair effort. Peter-Ridgwell, off a real golfer’s handicap of 8, was next best with 37 impressive points! There were plenty of ordinary scores, too, but we won’t dwell on those!!
As always, we were treated very well in the Clubhouse by Jai, Damon and especially, Judy, whose sangers “went down a treat!!” Overall, an enjoyable day was had by all. ( Also, enjoy the “happy snaps”, courtesy of Neil and Barry.)
Now we look forward to our June game, ( on May 30th!!!), as it is one of our “boutique” games—at a venue much admired by golfers who really take their game seriously!
We are very fortunate to have this opportunity, so it will not surprise you that we have, at this stage, a very healthy field comprising 112 intrepid ESVGA members. The shotgun start of 8.00 a.m. was not of our choosing! We , the Committee—-YOUR Committee hope to bring you other “boutique” experiences in the future, so keep your eyes and ears open!!
*And, one more thing. Your Committee has decided to “upgrade” our polo shirt choices. A sleek, polyester polo shirt will be on display soon—-and maybe will be available at Keysborough. At $35 they are a “steal”—no, not Ken-Steele!!
See you on May 30th, members, at 7.15 a.m. for an 8.00 hit-off!!
Ron Hottes for ESVGA Committee
Eastwood in beautiful but overcast autumn weather
It would surprise no-one involved with our ESVGA that Eastwood is one of our most popular venues. After all, nearly a third of our 150+ members call it their Home club! But, there’s something else about Eastwood that makes it popular with all our members. Whether you’re an Eastwood member or not, we all feel welcome there. This is partly due to the well-established staff, ( Neil, Louella and Sabrina), making us feel comfortable there, but also because the course itself is very familiar to many of us—and player-friendly, too.
It was in excellent condition on this April morning, although the greens had not been slowed by the overnight sprinkle of rain, much to your President’s chagrin!!.
John-Carnell, a “local”, took home the bragging rights, and the top voucher, on the day with an impressive 40 points. But, Andrew-McMath, a Warburton member, gave a good account of himself with 39 points to take home the R//up voucher. Phil-Pearson, another “local”, came in 3rd, with 37 solid points!
Another positive was provided by new Club-Pro, Kevin-Smith, who came to our aid when we couldn’t get into the Clubhouse, at 7.30 in the morning, to set up the Registration-table. Kevin set us up in his Pro-shop, which was somewhat cramped and disorganized. Apologies to our members, but it was out of our hands as we were as surprised as you that we couldn’t set up in the “big-house!!”( Thankyou, Kevin, for your support!) Anyway, we had a very jovial presentation afterwards, and all was forgiven! |
Special acknowledgement was made of Charles-Watt & Leo-Soulsby, who have, as of this year, been ESVGA members for 30 and 25 years respectively. That’s UNINTERRUPTED membership. Well done, Gentlemen. A more formal presentation will be made to them later in the year. And so, Gents, onto the May game-day—-at the beautiful, but challenging Waterford-Valley. ( Bring an extra half-dozen balls—-many of us will need them!!) That game is scheduled for May 2nd, so your Committee looks forward to seeing a healthy-size field to enjoy the obvious friendly welcome we will receive there!! |
Ron Hottes for the ESVGA committee |
We make it to Healesville at last (3rd time lucky)
A healthy field of 106 ventured to Healesville RACV Country-Club on Monday March 7th, to test their “mettle” against a short, but challenging course! A few of our members have played there regularly, ( especially the Warbie players), some were renewing acquaintances after many years, ( one after 30+ years!) but most were visiting for the first time.
The facilities at the RACV complex are “out-of-this-world”, to the extent that some of the boys became lost trying to find the Pro-shop, or the cafe—for a caffeine hit! But it was the course itself that attracted the most comments—nearly all very effusive about it. Many members gave feedback to the Committee, along the lines of—” I hope we come back again next year!” As expected, it was in great condition, although the larger-than-usual greens found out many of us!!
There were some hiccups on the day, and I need to mention two. Firstly, there were no rakes in the bunkers, but Ben, the Pro forgot to tell us THAT BUNKER-PREFERRED LIES WERE IN PLAY! I know that a few of our players copped a bad lie in their round, so apologies for that —-but it wasn’t our fault!
The other issue is that we, the ESVGA, made a significant loss on the day. We are committed to charging only $40 each gameday, but this result was some hundreds of dollars more than anticipated.
Now—back to golf news. Trevor-Watts won the day with a fine 37 points, Peter-White, another talented Eastern member, was the Runner-up with 36. Coming in 3rd, and seeing his name in the Herald-Sun the next day, was Peter-Mastertoun, scoring 35 points. But, unlike the previous gameday at Berwick Montuna, there were plenty of scores over 30—-which is probably why many want to come back next year. ( Interesting that NO A-grader hit the 13th green, resulting in no NTP being declared. I might add, your very erratic President finished a hand-span from the cut surface—damn!!)
![]() Ray Cross driving on the Par 5 5th. Accuracy is the key here to avoid the winding creek. |
And so our thoughts turn to April 4th, where Eastwood host us. For many of us, we are back on a very familiar course, and a very welcoming Club. If you are not booked-in, then get moving, as we have over 100 playing already.
And note, it will be a shotgun start at 8.30 a.m.—the later start due to the end of Daylight-Saving!
The great action photos here are compliments of Neil-Muller.
See you at Eastwood, Gents!!
Ron Hottes for ESVGA Committee
The Berwick-Montuna Course Wins
A scan of those results shows a large majority of the field scored between 27 and 33, but only 2 players in the field of 86 bettered that! Phil Guscott, (Yering Meadows), “blitzed” the field with 37 solid points to take home the top voucher, and John-Matthews, from Gardner’s-Run, grabbed 2nd place with a none-too-shabby 34 points. Clearly the course won by a knock-out!!
Fortunately, players could NOT blame the course condition, as it was in excellent “fettle”. As always, Shaun, the Berwick Montuna manager, and his staff of Fotina, Anne and Glenn, the Pro, looked after us very well.
( And Vic’s sangers went down a treat!) Add good weather and convivial company, and most members rated the day a pleasing-success.
And so on to Healesville RACV, where a very different course awaits— a superb test of golf!! We have a “bumper” field of 100+, the after-game experience will be smooth, and the company will be convivial again—as always. ( I just can’t guarantee similar pleasant weather—but we can hope!)
So, gentlemen, enjoy identifying your mates in the accompanying photos, courtesy of Mr. Smith & Mr. Muller! Thanks to my hard-working Committee for making the day a smooth process as always! I don’t know what I’d do without them!!
Ron-Hottes ( President—ESVGA.) |
A new year but COVID-19 still affecting our golf
* I do need to mention the pleasing aspect of many new members being involved in our recent game-days. If any of you have mates who may be showing some interest in joining the best Senior’s group in the State, then direct them to this website, or, even better, to the email address of our newly-appointed Membership-Secretary—Mr. Muller!! We will welcome them all—“with open arms!” (The President will even buy them a complimentary drink at their 1st game-day!! )