2018 News & Member Information
Topics Index:
* Dec. – End of year wrap-up at Yering Meadows.
* Nov. – ESVGA Championship at Eastwood.
* Nov. – Annual General Meeting Highlights.
* Oct. – Warburton 4BBB report & photos.
* Sept – VVGA Teams Championship report.
* Sept – Ivanhoe news & photos.
* Aug – Rosanna news and photos.
* July – Ringwood highlights.
* June – Waterford Valley photos & highlights.
* May – Yering Meadows photos & highlights.
* Mar – Waverley photos & highlights.
* Feb – Heidelberg highlights.
* Jan – Fine weather & a hole in one, a great start to our 2018 year.
* Rules Modernisation – Modernising Golf’s Rules
– USGA 0r R&A announcement.
Draft Rules for 2019, Sample of Proposed Rule Book Style
(Posted 17/12/2018)
End of year wrap-up at Yering Meadows – Dec. 2018
Yering Meadows Golf Club provided magnificent weather for our final round of 2018.
The course was in fine condition although several greens were a little damp. Scores were very competitive especially in ‘C’ grade and Mike Elkner sank an eagle on the Par 4 4th hole.
As is the norm at Yering Meadows, all members were well catered-for by David, Christina and her team, with the complimentary drink again enjoyed by all. Members present showed their appreciation of the committee’s work during 2018.

Championship winners Keith Roberts A Grade, Bob Burke Champion & Paddy Leahy C Grade receive their engraved trophies
President Ron Hottes wished the players a merry Christmas and a safe and healthy new year. An excellent day.
Barry Smith for ESVGA Committee
(Posted 17/12/2018)
ESVGA Championship at Eastwood – Nov. 2018
95 players competed in the annual championship at Eastwood, where the course was in fine condition. Photo highlights below, click on to enlarge.
Bob Burke was crowned 2018 champion. Luke Bower, Eastwood professional, assisted to make the day’s golfing run very smoothly and the catering from the staff was at the usual high standard.

Championship winners L – R: Don Clark B Grade, Bob Burke ESVGA 2018 Champion & Paddy Leahy C Grade. Keith Roberts A Grade (Not shown).
Life Memberships were bestowed on Keith Schofield and Rod Coling for their outstanding services to the ESVGA over a number of years. (Click on images to enlarge)
John Mahoney received an award for 25 year membership of the ESVGA from our only other 25 year member Charles Watt.
President Ron Hottes provided a very comprehensive report for the AGM (see below) and all nominated committee members were elected unopposed.
Gray Harrison was delighted to win the Parmaker buggy major prize in the annual raffle.
Barry Smith for the ESVGA Committee
(Posted 17/12/2018)
Annual General Meeting Highlights – Nov. 2018
Highlights from Ron Hottes’s Presidents address:
- 2018 has been a far smoother year than 2017, regarding creating the new roster for next year.
- We have lost Heidelberg (too expensive) and failed in negotiations with Box-Hill & Keysborough for different reasons. We have included Berwick Montuna and regained Gardiners Run. We will retain Ivanhoe after positive feedback after the September game there.
- The booking policy was updated allowing us to again to play at the popular Gardiners Run course.
- You the members are our number 1 priority when it comes to the conditions you play under. Costs, facilities & hospitality are uppermost in our negotiations; both on course and in the clubhouse.
- We have “lost” 2 members through the year Peter Johnston & John Kelly.
- Organizing shotgun starts at all games is a major task undertaken by Barry Smith. If cancelling out from one of our monthly games do it early if possible. If you turn up, but don’t play for some reason, perhaps offer to pay $10 to cover that day’s lunch, as we have to pay for whatever number we give to that Club, the week before.
- Most importantly, if you book in the month before, for the next game, make sure you don’t put down names of absent members who may not be playing the next game! Too often the member concerned is unaware his name is down to play.
- The constitution was amended to remove the limit of only 4 Life Members at a given time.
- Ron thanked the 7 members who donated NTP prizes which has helped keep your game fees down.
- Ron then thanked each committee member individually for their contributions and acknowledged new member Bruce Farrell who joined committee during the year.
- Ron thanked Alan Teather who is retiring after 3 years on committee.
Highlights from Gary Thompson’s Treasurers report:
- The ESVGA had a very satisfactory financial year and made a small profit of $695.
- Despite continuing cost pressures from our participating golf clubs, we were able to maintain a $30 fee for 8 of the meetings with only 4 at $35. Considering this small fee gets you a round of golf at some very nice courses, lunch and a prize pool of approximately $450 each month, I believe this represents very good value to our members.
- Our average game day loss did increase by about $40 from last year.
- This year the monthly raffle changed from a meat platter to gift cards. We also increased the prize pool by 25% to $150. This proved very successful as the net income from this critical source of funds also increased to more than $2,600.
- We continued to support two teams for the Veterans Team Championships this year at Jubilee Golf Club near Wangaratta. In addition to cost support to the six participants, the entry fees and shirt and cap support brought the total cost to almost $2,000.
- We continue to remain in a very strong financial position with Members’ Equity totalling $16,771 at 30th September.
Election for committee was conducted by Michael Mulcahy. Committee nominations for 2019 received and elected unopposed were:
Ron Hottes – President
Gary Thompson – Treasurer
Neil Muller – Secretary
Barry Smith – Vice President
Ordinary Committee members
Max Bracegirdle
Bruce Ferrall
Ashley Mitchell
Tom Tarrant
David Waters
Derek Wilson
(Posted 14/10/2018)
Warburton 4BBB news & photos – Oct. 2018
Warburton Golf Club turned-on some magnificent weather and it was a delight to be playing in such beautiful surrounds with lovely views over the mountains.
The course was in fine condition although several greens were still recovering from coring a fortnight ago. “Preferred Lies” seemed very generous.
After the golf, all members were well catered-for with delicious sandwiches and cakes provided by the golf club management. Some very good scores were attained but the locals made sure that the NTP results were locally dominated. An excellent day.
Barry Smith
(Posted 19/9/2018)
VVGA Teams Championships at Jubillee Golf Club
Jubillee Golf Club Nestles against the Warbie Ranges 10K NW of Wangaratta. Described as a challenging golf course it certainly fits that description. Most of the fairways inclined to the left or right with lightening elevated greens which severely punish any errors.
This year the ESVGA was represented by A team: Bob Burke, Noel Blythe, Roy Turner. B Team: Max Bracegirdle, Kevin Moylan, Peter Noar. Four of us arrived in time for a game on the Sunday afternoon. Max did well to get 34 – while the rest of us were in a state of shock! Overall we had perfect weather if a bit fresh starting at -2°.
Next day after a good breakfast in town it was business man’s hours with a shotgun start at 11.30 when we were sent off with a packed lunch. The object was to add each teams stableford scores over the two days.
Both teams were spread though the 100 or so field. Some of us were lucky enough to go off Nos 1 or 2. I had some good people to play with. On the 13th I said with the benefit of local knowledge. “Don’t take any notice of the water on the right.” Then promptly put it in myself when the ball bounced the opposite way off to a good launch. Everybody seemed to be in good spirits in spite of most scores in the mid 20’s. On the majority of shots it was a question of how much run you were going to get. It took me time to work out the greens. They were bent grass, goes fast away from you and tends to skidder a bit when going against it which makes it problematic. The day finished at the clubhouse with a three-course dinner with the local comedian thrown in.
The Tuesday we started at 9.00 to finish on lunch time while those who had brought their wives went off for a wine tour. On return we were served a cooked lunch. We were all impressed by efficiency of the organisation behind the event. As before the scores for most of the field were in still under 30 but some with improvement to Monday scores. An excellent outing.

The winners (local) scored 185 and the ball run down to 31.
Roy Turner
(Posted 8/9/2018)
Ivanhoe Stableford news & photos – Sept. 2018
It was unfortunate that Ivanhoe had approximately ½ inch (12 mm) of rain over the three previous days before our round, as the course was wet in several areas. However, the use of preferred lies did make it more palatable.
Members were to be commended on their punctuality as we were able to tee-off by 8.20 am.

Life Member Tom Tarrant sinks a downhill curler on the 356 metre par 4 13th. Watching on Alan Teather left and Michael Mulchay.
The narrowness of many fairways made it a challenge, but four scores of 39 proved both A and B grades to be very competitive. (See website for more details).
The staff of Ivanhoe GC made considerable effort to ensure our day was an enjoyable one. Very favourable comments were made about the sandwiches which many members enjoyed (some a little too much).

Kevin Kane teeing off on the Par 4 8th hole. Ron Hottes, Paul Kennedy & Tex Van Der Kooi watching on
Thank you those who assisted on the day as we were missing four of our usual committee members.
Ken Steele spoke briefly about the recent death of his friend and ESVGA member, John Kelly.
(Posted 11/8/2018)
Rosanna Stableford news & photos – August 2018
Despite the windy and a couple of late showers, the day was better than forecast.
The course was in very good order although one or two greens were a little “fluffy”. Hopefully you were not like a couple of players in our group who had fun pitching on to the green on the 1st only to see the ball roll back down the slope often ending up further from the hole!!
Congratulations to all winners especially Roger Birchall (Royal Park) who cleared out with a very good score in A grade which included two wipes as well as winning NTP on the 6th!! Worth mentioning that a youthful Bill Bernhardt is still playing good golf. Nice to see a couple of committee members’ names appearing amongst the raffle and NTP prizes.
A special thank you to Paddy Leahy who generously donated the 12 balls for the NTP and the 24 for the ball run-down.
Luke and the staff at Rosanna performed their duties most admirably. This meant that the field was able to head out to tee-off before 8.15 am. We are hoping for a repeat starting time at Ivanhoe.
Barry Smith for ESVGA Committee
(Posted 14/7/2018)
Ringwood G.C. Stableford highlights – July 2018
What a difference a month makes! In and out before 1.15 pm made many members very happy. Drizzly showers in the early part of the morning made conditions a bit tricky but overall the course was in very good condition.
Nice to see a few different names on the winners’ sheet. No doubt the highlight was life member Dave Rogers’ eagle on the par 4 11th hole and he also won A grade. Rod Coling and David Finn did a double dip by winning a raffle voucher along with their successes in ‘B’ grade. Many members assisted the committee with the day’s organisation.
Thank you to Horst Eberius for the NTP prizes (wine).
Barry Smith for ESVGA Committee
(Posted 11/6/2018)
Waterford Valley photos & highlights – June 2018
Different from some of the suburbs further north, Waterford Valley at Knoxfield was bathed in sunshine for the entire round. Charles Watt’s trip to hospital caused considerable concern for those present, but all ended fairly well thanks mainly due to the prompt action of the Waterford Valley G.C. staff and Charles’ playing partners.
On a course of this size, completing 18 holes in less than 5 hours was most unlikely and did mean a later finish for the day. The course was in splendid condition and Wes and his staff ensured that the association received the normal warm welcome and excellent service.
The Keith Robert’s juggernaut continued, Paddy Leahy won another raffle prize and Greg Allen appreciated the special voucher provided by the Waterford Valley G.C. as an extra raffle prize. Many thanks to Manager Wes for the voucher for golf at W.V. for 4 players and 2 carts.
Barry Smith for ESVGA Committee
(Posted 8/5/2018)
Yering Meadows photos & highlights – May 2018
Despite the slight hiccup when the original cards showed us hitting from the blue markers, generally the morning ran smoothly with most groups away before 8.30 am. One or two late withdrawals meant adjustments needed to be made to the field. (Provision of a hot drink before the game was appreciated by many members.)
With the coring of the greens in the previous week, it meant that putting accurately was quite difficult with the greens holding their moisture for the first hour or so. Except for one or two instances of slow play, the time factor was not an issue.Vouchers made lunch organisation very simple and Yering Meadows’ staff should be complimented on their professional approach to all tasks.
Final scores were very good and several consistent players’ names reappeared on the winners’ sheet. Barry Phillips was thanked for his contribution of Central Victorian wine as NTP prizes.
At the previous Monday’s meeting, President Ron Hottes welcomed Bruce Ferall’s appointment to our ESVGA committee but we regret Bruce that we forgot to announce it at Yering Meadows!
The possibility of playing at Keysborough in 2019 was met with considerable support by all of the attending members.
Barry Smith for ESVGA Committee
(Posted 7/3/2018)
Waverley photos & highlights – March 2018
In near perfect weather, a goodly number of ESVGA members tackled the vagaries of the Waverley Golf Course, with its undulating fairways that regularly ran east and west, bunkers that often had bases similar to concrete and the occasional green that needed much judgement and a touch of luck.
However, despite the slope rating being 131, winners in each grade scored 41 excellent points with A grade and B grade place-getters having identical scores. Congratulations to the committee in deciding to make a slight change to the handicaps on the day…30 A graders, 30 B graders and 32 C graders couldn’t have been more exact! |
A few names keep re-appearing on the result sheet including Alan Robinson (Churchill Waverley) and Peter Noar (Eastern) while Gary Gray (Yarra Valley CC) seems to have taken over the mantle of raffle winner whether it’s meat or voucher!
It was pleasing that all members had departed by 1.40 pm.
Barry Smith for ESVGA Committee
(Posted 7/2/2018)
Heidelberg highlights – February 2018
Our Heidelberg round saw some very close scores at the top of each table with two grades being won on a countback. Weather conditions slowly changed from overcast with a little sprinkle of rain to warm and sunny by the end of the morning.
The course was in very good condition and players’ comments were complimentary despite many finding the greens a little tricky. No doubt, Keith Roberts was a little disappointed he couldn’t win the meat raffle, but top score of the day and an A grade nearest the pin was a fine effort.
Unfortunately, one annoying aspect of the golf was the very slow play by one or two groups. Hopefully, this will be improved in the future.
The presentations finished the day complimented by the usual fine variety of food to which one has become accustomed at Heidelberg Golf Club.

David Stephen watches President Ron Hottes play his second on the long par 5 14th hole at Heidelberg.
(Posted 18/1/2018)
A fine start to our 2018 year at Eastwood
Eastwood Golf Course was in great condition, the weather was perfect for golf (we won’t mention the short rain shower at the start) and a hole in one from Peter Long saw a great start to the ESVGA’s 2018 year.